Family structure
เป็นการระบุว่า สมาชิกในครอบครัวรับบทบาทตรงไหนใน โครงสร้างของครอบครัว
- Hierarchy
How power or authority is distributed within the family
A parentified child , often the oldest, performs parental functions when one or both parents have abdicated the role (ไม่ได้ทำหน้าที่)
Family Role Selection
The scapegoat or noble symptom bearer (แพะรับบาป) = who is identified by the family as the source of problems
Accepts the family's blame
Distracts from other individual or family
Reflects the dysfunction of the family as a whole
Alliance = a positive relationship between any two members of a system
Coalition = a relationship between at least three people in which two collude against a third