Disease-specific management
- Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
Causative organisms
Group A and B Coxsackieviruses
Numbered Enteroviruses (EV71)
Incubation period:
3 to 6 days Route of transmission:
Route of transmission:
fecal-oral and respiratory routes
mother to infant
rarely breastfeeding
Viral shedding
Fecal : several weeks or months
Respiratory droplet : 1 to 3 weeks
Asymptomatic infection: usual
Clinical : vesicular lesions, myocarditis, encephalitis (brainstem)
Lab : PCR (stool, rectal, NP, throat, vesicle fluid, CSF)
Control measures:
Hand hygiene, diaper changing, and respiratory hygiene
Surface disinfection:
ทั่วไป: Sodium hypochlorite at least 500 ppm
ปนเปื้อน: Sodium hypochlorite 5000 ppm
Alcohol ฆ่าไม่ตาย
เกณฑ์ ปิดห้องเรียน
ห้องเรียนเดียวกัน มากกว่า 2 คน ภายใน 1 สัปดาห์ > ปิดห้อง 5 วันทําการ
มีผู้ป่วยมากกว่า 1 ห้อง > อาจปิด ศูนย์เด็กเล็ก/โรงเรียน/ สถานศึกษาชั่วคราวเป็นเวลาอย่าง น้อย 5 วันทําการ
เด็กป่วย: หยุดเรียน 1 สัปดาห์
Vaccine EV71: 6 เดือน- ไม่เกิน 6 ปี
Causative organism: Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
Incubation period: 14 to 16 days, with a range of 10 to 21 days
Contagious period (ระยะติดต่อ)
1 - 2 days before rash until all lesions have dried/crusted
Route of transmission:
direct contact, droplet, & airborne
Clinical: papules, vesicles, crusting, hemorrhagic skin lesions (severe)
Lab: PCR, serology (IgG, IgM)
Control measures: Airborne and contact precaution
Case : Isolation until rash crusted
Contacts :
General: Airborne and contact precaution
at Day 8-21 after exposure
at Day 8-28 after exposure in VZIG/IVIG patient
Newborn: Airborne and contact precaution until aged 21 days
until aged 21 days
until aged 28 days in VZIG/IVIG patient
Neonate: Can be fed by pumped/expressed milk in mothers those have no lesions on breast
การให้ VZIG
Contacts: Immunity status : Positive
Documented agedappropriated varicella vaccine
Laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease
Varicella or herpes zoster diagnosed by a clinician
Contacts: Immunity status : Negative: considered age and availability of medications
Age > 1 yr: varicella vaccine within 3 - 5 days after exposure
Preterm newborn (all GA<28, GA> 28 with maternal un-documented immune status),
newborn with mother onset 5 before & 2 after delivery, pregnancy, immuno-compromised host:
ต้องให้ VZIG/IVIG within 10 days after exposure
Contacts those can not receive vaccine & VZIG: 7-day oral acyclovir (or valacyclovir) day 7 after exposure
PEP vaccine efficacy
< 3 days : > 90%
< 5 days : 70%
Modification of severity: 100%
Disseminated (both immunocompromised/competent) : Airborne and contact precaution Localized:
Compromised: Airborne and contact precautions until disseminated lesion be ruled out
Competent: standard precaution
Causative organism : Influenza viruses type A,B,C
Incubation period : 1-4 days (mean 2 days)
Route of transmission : mainly droplet, direct/indirect contact
Contagious period : 1 day before until 7 days after onset (peak 1-3), long-lasting 10 days in young children & immuno-compromised host
Asymptomatic infection: can spread virus to contacts
Commercial tests: Ag detection
RT-PCR, IFA, cell culture: NP → best yield, combined midturbinate & throat → increase yield, ETT suction
Other specimens: blood, CSF, urine, stool: not used for routine
Control measures:
Standard with droplet precaution
Direct/indirect contact precaution
In close settings: boarding school, prison, military camp → isolation 7 days (contagious phase)
Cocooning immunity
not be substituted for immunization
Simultaneously with LAIV → not OK, but OK with IIV not recommended for infants < 3 months
Contact with infected individual: Recommended duration is 7 days after last known exposure
In outbreak situation: minimum of 2 weeks and continuing up to 1 week after the last known case was identified
Causative organism: Measles virus Incubation period: 7 - 21 days (mean 14 days)
Contagious period: 4 days before through 4 days after rash erupted
Route of transmission: mainly droplet, less common airborne
- Diagnosis:
Clinical: fever, 3C, & Koplik spots
RT-PCR (1 st 5 day of onset)
IgM (4-30 day of onset)
IgG (4-fold rising)
Control measures
Cases : Isolation 4 days after rash erupted
Contacts : quarantine 5-21 days after exposed